Economic Forum: The Impact of Digitalization on Democratic Processes (invitation only)

19. 6. 2024

Digitalization has a significant impact on democratic processes and can both strengthen and weaken democracy. Engaging citizens in decision-making is crucial for Europe. Digitalization enables faster communication between governments and citizens, which can lead to greater transparency and accountability but also carries the risk of disinformation and cyber-attacks. One of the main benefits of digitalization is easier access to information and citizen engagement in political discussions online. This can increase participation, interest, and inclusion in public affairs. If we want to protect and strengthen democracy, we need to find ways to strengthen citizens' trust in democratic institutions. This includes cybersecurity, fighting disinformation, and digital literacy education. Transparent institutions and open dialogue between the government and citizens are key to achieving better trust between these two entities.

What are the main challenges of digitalization for democratic institutions? How can Europe better involve citizens in decision-making processes? What steps should be taken to strengthen trust in democratic institutions?

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